We have a baby!!

So I haven’t updated the blog in a VERY long time.

Truth is, I’ve not been in a great place. I’ve broken down in my Drs Surgery, I’ve not felt baby move for the majority of the time and I’ve been so caught up in selling and buying a house that I just haven’t had the mentality to sit down and update!!

Our house was sold and we were well on the way to buying. In fact the day the buyers pulled out (a week before my due date like wtf?!) we were actually waiting on an offer we had made to be accepted. Turns out because our buyers pulled out that day, the vendor didn’t want to accept our offer and we were then in catch 22!

The selling side was horrendous. I was harassed by estate agents and everyone else from start to finish and my mental and physical health just slid. I was so ill and I just ended up crying most days wondering what I’d got myself into, how I could cope moving with a newborn and I honestly just didn’t enjoy any part of my pregnancy from then on. It made me feel so so guilty, because the way our little girls life had come about was so extraordinary and crazy that I had everything to be happy about, but inside I wasn’t enjoying any minute of it. It’s most likely now the end of the road for us children-wise, and that made me feel even worse. I desperately wanted my last pregnancy to be cherished!

So fast forward to now. Isla has arrived! We welcomed her on the 22nd December and I honestly can’t imagine what life was like before she arrived. My birth story is a little traumatic (for anyone currently pregnant) but so many people have asked how it was and if I managed a VBAC, that I think I just need blog it all so I don’t have to re live it all each time šŸ™ˆ

So I went in to be induced on the 21st. They examined me, I was 1cm but the midwife really struggled to break my waters. Took her a good 6 minutes but she managed it! I immediately got up and was walking around. We’d planned to go walk around the hospital, but my waters were literally leaking through pads and going onto my trousers ahhhh! So I had to walk around the room until they’d all pretty much gone. I began having a few tightenings that progressively got a bit more painful, but when they came to examine me further not much had happened!

They put me on a drip, probably around 2pm ish, but advised that because of my previous section with Evie and slight blood loss, they didn’t want to push me too far too quickly in fear of scar rupture.

They examined me at 8pm and said that I’d progressed a little! YAY!! My body was actually able to labour! It was dilating!! I was so so happy that I was having a chance at a possible natural birth.

They kept increasing my dosage (in fact the midwife increased it way earlier and much higher than the Drs advised, which I’m not happy about!) up until 12am when they examined and said nothing had changed in 4 hours. By this time I was in agony. Midwives and Drs were saying the noises I was making during contractions were that of ladies in the pushing stage of labour (bear in mind that I’m so quiet when I’m in pain, and have a high pain threshold!) I didn’t have gas and air until about 9pm even though I’d been in pain from the drip since 5pm. The midwife who broke my waters said I must be superwoman as she really had trouble doing my waters and that not having gas and air for that was crazy. Anyway, doctors were worried my scar wasn’t going to be able to take anymore contracting and my contractions felt directly behind it every single time even I was starting to say something wasn’t right. No no no!! I felt like this was Evie’s birth all over again!!! Drs advised of a c section again, Said they could carry on but they really didn’t want to as it was a huge risk, and I was desperate for them to just turn the bloody drip off I was honestly ready to just rip it out myself šŸ˜‚

I completely agreed and when they left to go get my gown etc all I remember was being in absolute tears begging for the drip to come out. They were taking me straight down that moment so thankfully they took it off!

C section went really really well! Despite me having to bend over for the spinal whilst having a constant contraction because the bending triggered it šŸ™ˆ It was all a bit surreal and the staff were absolutely astounding. I honestly can’t thank them enough for everything they did! My BP dropped when I was in there but they sorted that quickly.

Recovery went fine too. Went up to the ward, Jon left as it was like 2am! And I was left alone.

My pad was changed, but after that only my obs were done by what I think was a trainee. TMI, but blood loss felt way too much, and when I looked the bed was like an absolute bloodbath! Clots, blood, even my top ‘quilt’ sheet was starting to soak. I range the bell and the nurse looked then ran to grab a dr, Drs were paged, I heard the emergency call over the tannoy šŸ™ˆ and my bedside was literally filled with Drs. One attempted a manual clot extraction, I got jabbed with a needle, an additional cannula inserted, then a dr was manual massaging my uterus to get it to contract again. That wasn’t working great so I got jabbed again and then I was wheeled down to theatre to be put under general anaesthetic and they could try to halt the bleeding. They didn’t have time to do written consent to hysterectomy etc so they had to do verbal consent eek!

I came round and they’d managed to halt bleeding. They’d inserted a balloon to help and that seemed to do the job. I had to have 2 units of blood (they were a little panicky as I have to have irradiated blood so it had to be ordered in before my section that was previously planned then cancelled!), and my BP and obs were still a bit all over the place so they had me on oxygen for a while afterwards.

Turns out I’d lost just under 3L of blood. The majority of that on the bed. Drs were baffled as they asked me how I felt and honestly I didn’t feel as ill as I apparently was. I should have been really light headed and sick! They came to see me after my op and said that even when I had a dr massaging my womb on one side, being wheeled to theatre for high emergency surgery, I was still chatting away and making them all laugh šŸ˜‚šŸ™ˆ

It was all a little surreal and it felt like I was in a bit of a movie scene on the bed haha! But I’m so thankful that we’re all here, all safe and Isla is now 3 weeks old!!

The past 3 weeks have gone lightening quick and I’m not too sure how I feel about her growing so quickly. She’s almost long enough to fill the Moses basket now,too.

I feel like a stressful pregnancy was all preparation for what was to come after Isla arrived, it was like the tip of the iceberg type of thing. I’m slowly settling into life as a family of 4, but this no sleep lark is crazy!

It’s a very long post, but I felt with the messages I’ve had asking if I’m okay, if we’ve had baby and how it all went and then asking for details, I felt I had to do a big one as a major update!!

Here’s a pic of our girls together šŸ’• Evie pulling a silly face as per!

Pregnancy update – 9+5 15.05.2018

I’m nearly in double digits WHOOP!! Okay so I still can’t quite believe that there is a baby in my tummy. Despite the little bloat/bump that has appeared. I say bloat because baby is 2cm and quite clearly isn’t large enough to make as big of a bump as I currently have!

I’m praying that everything is still okay. I have had no bleeding, slight twinges here and there and feel exhausted every single moment of the day, but i’m really just hoping and praying that baby is still nestling in well and when I have my scan all will be fine.

Scan date still hasn’t arrived! It is driving me a little crazy as I need to book it off work. Have a feeling they’ll tell me with 2 days notice eek.

Symptom-wise, i’ve felt lots of pulling, sharp pains, my nausea isn’t as bad a sit was, but boobage wise OUCH!! I’ve also had weird fluttering feelings. Almost like the very early stages of feeling Evie move in my tummy last time. I know it’s almost impossible, but it honestly does feel like that “whoosh” against your insides. So weird! I felt Evie move at 19 weeks with an anterior placenta, so I have no idea.

Nothing to update otherwise really! Trying to keep my bigger belly as hidden as I can but honestly, I have no loose clothing to cover it.

All I fancy is curry! And proper chippy chips. I feel so sorry for Evie because she has lived off rubbish food recently. However, she seems under the weather and only wants bottles so I thnk she’s teething again bless her. So i’m just letting her eat whatever she will! Anything is a plus I guess.

I’m desperate to book a private gender scan. I think we’ll be going to babybond again. If you saw my last experience of a gender scan feel free to nosy through my previous posts, it wasn’t the best i’ll say that! Just got to get paid an book in in now.
I want to have the 4d bonding scan too, but no appointments are currently coming up online. I’m hoping it’s because it’s quite early because I really don’t want to go to the last place again.

Another week gone!

7+5 Weeks. 01.05.2018

The sicknessā€¦.oh the sickness! Ok, not sickness, nausea. I definitely remember this from last time and it was horrendous.

I have it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and never get any relief! I have to eat every half an hour to keep it away for a few minutes.
I already have baby brain. And yes, itā€™s 100% a ā€˜thingā€™. I donā€™t think the Progynova or the Cyclogest are helping so Iā€™ll be so relieved when I can finally stop taking them.
Yesterday I was SO bloated, to the point where I looked 6 months pregnant! I was wearing a dress at work and it was so obvious. Eeekkk! But Iā€™ve woken up this morning a tiny bit less bloated, so fingers crossed itā€™s starting to go down.
Apart from the nausea, the bloat and the crazy tiredness, Iā€™m so so excited! Still canā€™t believe I have a little baby growing in my tummy again.
Evie now says ā€œYEAAAAAHHHā€ when we ask if sheā€™s going to be a big sister, weā€™ve asked if she wants a girl or boy and she said girl. So Iā€™ve prepared her saying that if itā€™s a girl sheā€™ll be stealing all of Evieā€™s clothes.

I have my booking in appointment with the midwife on Tuesday, then itā€™s Evieā€™s birthday on the 10th woooo!! Weā€™re hoping to go to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park so will take lots of pics if we do. Just hope it isnā€™t miserable or raining because itā€™s a bit rubbish then.

Scan day! 24.04.2018

You have no idea how nervous I was this morning!

I think one thing to remember is that 6 weeks is so early, symptoms can come and go and it leaves you feeling very unpregnant. So the thought of a confirmation scan at the IVF clinic is terrifying.

Got there at 11am, danced in the car a little beforehand to try and get ride of some nerves haha. And when I heard my name get called by the Dr I froze!

She was so lovely, she scanned me and said she could see one baby on the screen. We got to see the heartbeat and it was so so magical!
We obviously had 2 embryos transferred, and although we were only looking to have 1 child out of this cycle, i’m so upset that one hasn’t made it. One just floated away somewhere inside me never to be seen again šŸ˜¦
And of course the little one that didn’t survive being desfrosted too, my heart just breaks a little bit thinking of them šŸ˜¦

But we’re overjoyed that we have our 2nd little ‘miracle’ on the way! I have my booking in Midwife appointment on the 8th May and I just can’t wait for our next scan to see how much our beany has grown!

I posted our reveal video to the May Babies group last night. Almost blew my cover as it features the song ‘Haven’t met you yet’ and of course facebook is too hot on copyright and decided to say “something went wrong” instead of “we cannot post your post due to copyright” so I genuinely thought something was wrong and there wasn’t…. so I posted it about 5 times before I managed to see it hahaha! They’ve all been absolutely amazing.
There are a few ladies who have lost their babies recently and had miscarriages, and coming from a situation where I know the desperation and frustration, I was so so dubious about even telling the girls. I genuinely ummed and arred about it for weeks. But I felt it was the best thing to do, as they’ve all given us the gift we wouldn’t have even had a chance of having otherwise.

Evie is going to be such an amazing big sister, she’s already so so good helping me and asking if i’m okay CONSTANTLY!! She’s going to make me one proud mummy.

Pregnancy update – 21.04.2018

I’m still finding it so hard to believe i’m pregnant again! You have no idea how every part of my brain is telling me that this is too good to be true. It’s a daily fight!

We have gone through SO many pregnancy tests, because I don’t have any full on symptoms. Sore boobs come and go and aren’t ridiculously sore, nausea here and there that disappeared for a few days last week, and the tiredness is still there but not as bad as at the start of the 2ww. So every few days my symptoms disappear and I have a panic!

I’m definitely fatter. I can’t fit into my jeans anymore which means I have to make use of dresses and my 1 pair of leggings which have a hole in haha! I’ll buy something when we get paid I think.

It’s Evie’s birthday on the 10th and we still have no idea what to buy her! She doesn’t tend to play with any toys except happyland, and that’s so expensive I can’t just buy her one set of that, can I? So we’re thinking maybe a slide, but again we’re not sure what kind of slide. Oh it’s so much harder when they get over 1 year haha.

I keep asking Evie if she’s having a brother or sister, 1 or 2…. and she just says “no!” sternly. I was hoping that sixth sense children are meant to have would come through, but evidently she’s just being awkward hehe.

We decided to reveal our pregnancy to the may babies girls, exactly how they revealed the fund to us! So I spent all of our 2ww making the cards, and i’ve been spending every day since trying to get good pics with them. My gosh it’s hard work! I only have around 25 cards left, so 25 pics….. which is so much better than the 70 odd or whatever I had in the first place.
Getting a nice picture of us all is exceedingly hard though. Although Evie is sort of learning to hold a card up and say cheese hahaha!

I think i’m 6+1 today. I haven’t had it confirmed at the clinic though, so just winging the date until our scan on Tuesday. WHICH by the way im bricking it about! These lack of symptoms are playing with my head and i’m really worried that this is all too good to be true :(. We will see what Tuesday brings!

Did a test this morning. It worried me a little that the lines are the same, whereas the last test I did the test was stronger than the control line, but i’m just putting it down to the test and the fact that hormones will really be kicking through now.


Official Test Day – 09.04.2018

Official test day!!

Can you see those lines?!!!

Iā€™m a complete POAS addict. I still canā€™t believe it! This is happening. Again. Oh my god!!!!

Iā€™ve been so shocked, both when I had Evie and now, that I literally canā€™t cry. I have no words and I’m doing a happy dance right now as i’m typing this.

Jon and I already worked out how weā€™re going to reveal this to the May Babies girls. Iā€™ve said itā€™ll have to be when we go for our early scan at Nurture, because I wonā€™t be able to hold this in any longer!

I am so so so excited. Now to phone Nurture and tell them the news, and get booked in with the midwife YAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!

OTD tomorrow! 08.04.2018

I’m not joking…. i’m pretty nervous!

I’ve had times this week where I’ve been a hormonal wreck, I’ve felt soooo nauseous, I’ve had backache from hell, and then I’ve had times where I’ve felt nothing!

Ive taken *ahem* a few tests now, all positive! But tomorrow is the day and I really am nervous it’ll suddenly have no line.

Me and Jon have joked about twins from the day we had transfer, but I’m really starting to ‘worry’ (I say worry, it’d be lovely to have twins, but we have a 2 bedroom house and can’t afford to move, so I’m worried about what would come with twins!), because I’ve already had bouts of nausea, heartburn & indigestion. I don’t remember getting that until around 8 weeks with Evie!

Speaking of which, she’s so so tired at the moment. I’m borderline worried as she is never like this. She’s been chilling on sofas/beds almost 90% of every day and she’s not eating much either. With mine & Jons medical histories you always have that worry in the back of your mind, but I’ll give her a few more days and if she doesn’t perk up I’ll take her to the GP. Poor little thing!

Im off to bed in hope to get a decent night sleep. I had to hold her hand to bed tonight which I’ve never had to do. Just want to bring her in bed to cuddle!

5dp5dt – 1st April 2018

This isn’t an April fools!!

There is a second line!!! There’s a line!!! Aaahhhhhhhh!!! I’m pregnant!!!!

I have a stash of tests to take over the next few days.

Our official test day is 9th April but I’m so so stinking happy that this is it for us! Again!! Omg!! Aahhhhhhh!!


I said I wouldn’t test today. I didn’t want the heartache of another stark white test.

But I tested. I don’t know why, it’s like something tells you you shouldn’t and that it’s a wrong idea, but the rest of you tells you to do it!

Can anyone else see that VERY faint line?!!! Eeeeeekkkkkkk! Is this real?!

3dp5dt – 2 week wait! 30.03.2018

I’m currently 3 days past transfer and the urge to test has been crazy since just day 1!

Last time I was able to tick by and not think about it so much. This time it’s all I can think about!!

Symptom wise I don’t have much. I had quite apparent cramping yesterday which I don’t remember having so much last time. I’ve been feeling a bit foggy like I have the start of a head cold, and I’m tired all the time! Apart from that, nothing!

Every day I have this voice saying “well you got a positive at 4dp5dt last time! And if you tested the day before t would have been faint but still there!” I just can’t stop thinking about testing.

These 2 weeks are killing me!!

Update: Absolutely no symptoms today, no cramping, no twinges….nothing! The only thing is that I’ve been so tired all day. But we’ve been to white post farm which I guess has tired me out. I took myself to bed early and cried. In a split second I changed from being ‘ok’ to balling my eyes out! I guess that could be a symptom, but it could also just be the pressure of us needing this.

I did a test today. I thought if I got such a good positive at 4dp5dt with Evie, then surely it would be reaalllyyy faint at 3dp5dt.

Needless to say it was stark white! Definitely put me in a really bad mood. I can’t believe I was so stupid! I’m not sure if I’ll test tomorrow now :/